Series F: Argyle Officers/Employee Records 1879-1926

Series F: Municipality of Argyle Officers’ & Employees’ Records. — 1879-1926. – 135 cm of textual records.

Series consists of records pertaining to officers and employees of the Municipality of Argyle. This series has been arranged into the following sub-series; applications; appointments; declinations of office; legal agreements and contracts; oaths; bonds of performance; and resignations.

Sub-series 1: Applications. — 1908-1926. — 5 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of applications by doctors to serve as physician to the Poor Farm in Argyle (1908-1926); applications by doctors for the position of Health Officer for the Municipality of Argyle (1909-1926); applications for the position of Canadian Temperance Act (Scott Act) Inspectors (1909-1926); and few other applications for other positions with municipal government.

Sub-series 2: Appointments & Lists of Town Officers. — 1879-1923. — 6 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of a collection of documents which are the formal or legal appointments of various officials for the Municipality of Argyle, as well as lists of Town Officers.

Appointments cover such positions as surveyors of highways, constables, supervisors of highways, tax assessors, committees on road & bridge fund, overseers of the poor, cattle reeves, stipendiary magistrates, tax collectors, sanitary inspectors, superintendents of poor farm, issuers of licenses, chief rangers, surveyors of lumber, health officers, census enumerators, fence viewers, and pound keepers.

Sub-series is arranged into two files, one for appointments (1879-1923), and another for the lists of town officers (1882-1894).

Title based on contents of sub-series.

Any appointments dealing with election officials can be found in RG3 Series I, Sub-Series 2.

Any School Board appointments are found in RG10.

Sub-series 3: Declinations of Office. — 1880-1925. — 2 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of letters to the Municipality of Argyle or their councilors, by individuals declining to accept office. Letters usually give reasons for declining office such as age, ill health, details regarding people working out of the Province, etc.

Title based on contents of sub-series.
Other declinations of office may be found in RG3 Series G.

Sub-series 4: Legal Agreements and Contracts. — 1907-1915. — 1 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of legal agreements and contracts between the Municipality of Argyle and their employees.

Sub-series 5: Oaths. — 1880-1925. — 119 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of legal oaths of office for various employees and officers of the Municipality of Argyle. Oaths consists of two parts, the first half being a description of the position he/she is appointed, and the second half is the actual oath. Both parts are signed by the person taking office, and the oath section is witnessed by a Justice of the Peace.

Sub-series is arranged alphabetically by office or position title for which the person is taking the oath. Within the files the oaths are arranged alphabetically by the person taking the oath.
The following is a list of the offices or positions:

assessment roll justice (1901)
assessor (1880-1924)
assistant to prothonotary (1903-1906)
board of revision and appeal (1896-1923)
church warden (1899-1924)
clerk to board of assessors (1918-1920)
clerk to overseers of the poor (1887)
collector of county and poor rates (1884-1923)
commissioner of streets (1880-1907)
committee for court house (1899-1911)
committee for insane (1899-1920)
committee for poor house (1899)
constable (1880-1924)
crier of the court (1880-1923)
custodian (1898-1917)
doctor for poor house (1901-1924)
fence viewer (1880-1924)
ferryman (1887-1924)
fire warden (1896-1924)
gauger of casks (1880-1924)
health inspector (1884-1923)
inspector of public grounds (1880-1924)
issuer of licenses (1880-1924)
janitor for court house (1902-1910)
jury list reviser (1897-1924)
lunatic matters (1880)
overseer of highways (1880)
overseer of the poor (1880-1925)
overseer of sea manure (1880-1914)
pound keeper (1880-1924)
presiding officer (1897-1924)
reeve (cattle, sheep, etc.) (1880-1919)
returning officer (1897)
reviser of electoral lists (1880-1924)
reviser of jury lists (1889-1909)
reviser of statute labour returns (1891)
sanitary inspector (1900-1924)
sealer of leather (1880)
sheep valuer (1920-1924)
stipendiary magistrate (1898-1900)
surveyor of highways (1880-1924)
surveyor of lumber and scaler of logs (1880-1924)
surveyor of railroad ties (1898)
town clerk (1880-1899)
trustee of public property (1903-1906)
visiting committee for poor house (1901)
weigher of coal and hay (1880-1923)
weigher of fish (1884-1904)
and warfinger (1884-1885)

Sub-series 6: Surety Bonds. — 1911-1925. — 1 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of surety bonds taken out by Municipal Clerk, Treasurer, etc. These bonds are documentation of the insurance companies who provided bonded status for Municipal Clerks and Treasurers.

Title based on contents of sub-series.
Other bonds are found in RG1 and RG10

Sub-series 7: Resignations. — 1882-1924. — 1 cm of textual records.

Sub-series consists of official resignation of various municipal officials (including poor farm superintendents, medical officers, councilors, wardens, etc.).